Self-Paced, Live Online, Classroom Enterprise Training
The Ansible platform is widely known for its straightforward deployment, user-friendly communication, lack of an agent for attentive users, and a wealth of expertise. Ansible training covers the fundamental concepts of Ansible and how to use it for configuration management and automation. The course includes modules on Playbooks, Roles, Inventory, Modules, and more. Participants will learn how to automate their IT infrastructure, including networks, servers, and applications, with hands-on training and real-world examples.
2 days
12 hours
Certified Corporate Trainer
Lifetime Access
Quiz & Assignments
24x7 Support
Real Time Projects
Cost Effective Programs
By the end of this training, you will have the ability to:
Articulate the concept of Ansible
Define Ansible playbooks
Analyze Ansible in greater depth.
Target Audience
This training is recommended for
Those who possess a background in Linux systems administration
Individuals or engineers who have some familiarity with automation concepts.
Practical familiarity with executing commands in a Linux shell.
Detailed Outline
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Ansible
Getting started with Ansible
A detailed examination of Ansible's configuration files
A comprehensive look at Ansible's connection types
Utilizing Ansible statistical inventory
Exploring Ansible's inventory
Understanding Ansible's architecture and components
Working with Ansible's modules using the Ansible-doc tool
Using and comprehending Ansible modules.
Chapter 2: Ansible Playbooks
Working with multi-plays and playbooks in Ansible
Importing tasks and playbooks
Utilizing tags in Ansible and examining their use cases
Applying Ansible's syntax-check and dry-run features
Working with specific modules like yum, dnf, service, lineinfile, replace, get_url, apt, firewalld, debug, user, and file
Using Ansible verbose mode with playbooks
Storing output in a tree format
An introduction to Ansible variables and their usage with files, inventory variables, group_vars, and host_vars.
Chapter 3: Leveraging Ansible Facts and Jinja Templates
How to utilize Ansible Facts in Playbooks along with Jinja Templates
Working with Ansible Facts, Variables, and Jinja Templates
Connecting Windows Instances using WinRM with Ansible
Mitigating Security Risks with PowerShell in Ansible
Understanding Ansible's Conditions, Loops, and Blocks
Chapter 4: Loops and Conditions
Using Loops and Conditions to Install Software from a List
Executing Multiple Commands with Loops and Conditions in Ansible
Creating a Single Playbook for Multi-Vendor Environments
Boosting Ansible Performance with Acceleration Techniques
Applying Forks, Delegation, Privilege Escalation, Serial Execution, and Rolling Updates in Ansible Playbooks
Best Practices for Error Handling in Ansible Playbooks
Encrypting Data with Ansible Vault using Prompts and Files
Managing AWX Projects with Ansible Tower
Running Ansible Playbooks through Ansible Tower
Creating Multi-Role Playbooks for Deploying a Database, Web Server, and Firewall on Remote Systems
Strategies for Testing Ansible Playbooks
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